8 Nov, 2020 Meeting

  • 8 Nov, 2020 at 5:39pm
  • Zoom Meeting

Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – November 8, 2020


Minutes of Meeting


Minutes Pending Board Approval

  1. The meeting was called to order at 4:34pm, via Zoom Meeting.
  1. All Board members were present: Patrick Kevin, President; Daneen Haynes, Vice President; Larry Stout, Treasurer; Cindy Stout, Secretary.
  1. Minutes from August 9, 2020 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
  1. Report from Treasurer
  • There is one remaining resident owing 2020 Annual Dues. A letter will be sent to the owner this week.
  • Stout proposed we begin the process of acquiring a new CPA, based on the Board’s dissatisfaction with the level of service provided by current CPA. Kevin will contact two CPA’s that he knows to see if they are able to handle AGHOA taxes and collection of annual dues.
  • Stout proposed that Cindy Stout be given check writing approval to handle expenses while he is working out of state. All agreed.
  1. Report from President
    1) Requested Secretary to calendar next Annual AGHOA Member Meeting in March, 2021.

2)          Discussion around campaigning for new Board.

3)          Begin drafting newsletter for the first week in December, to include these topics:

  1. a) Upcoming 2021 billing.
  2. b) Next Annual Member Meeting (3/7/21?)
  3. c) Election of new officers.
    4)            Consider sprucing up the entrance into AG by re-staining fences (Patrick will get bids), clearing weeds

from wall.

5)            Consider having Ausencio Trejo-Flores maintain the retention pond, after the City does the initial mowing in Spring.

  1. Report from Vice President: No updates.
  2. Report from Secretary
  • Dates for 2021 Board Meetings will be calendared with the first meeting being January 10 or 17.


  1. Meeting was adjourned at 5:39pm.