2022 Annual Membership Meeting March 6, 2022

  • March 6, 2022 at 3:37pm
  • via Zoom
  • Some notes - this meeting is special

Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Annual Member Meeting – March 6, 2022
Minutes of Meeting

Pending Approval

  1. President Daneen Haynes called this meeting to order at 3:37pm, via Zoom.
  1. Three residences were represented: Daneen Haynes, Larry & Cindy Stout and Mohamed Idris.
  1. Minutes from the March 7, 2021, Member Meeting were presented by Board Secretary Cindy Stout. There were no corrections requested and the Minutes were approved.
  • Financial Report
  1. Board Treasurer Stout presented the current financial balance sheet and profit and loss report. The current balance of HOA funds is $12,306.28
  • AGHOA Overview/History
  1. Board President Daneen Haynes gave an overview and brief history of the Alderwood Grove Homeowners’ Association.

6)    Old Business

  1. Patrick Kevin, former Board President, left his position in early 2022, upon the sale of his house in Alderwood Grove. Then Vice President Haynes took Kevin’s place in the role of President.
  2. HOA Membership Dues were increased by 10% with this year’s billing. Total annual dues billed per homeowner were $220.  The increase is to prepare for the potential need to hire an outside management firm if the Board is unable to replace retiring Board members.
  3. The services of Janitorial & Landscaping, LLC, (Ausencio Trejo) for landscaping maintenance of common areas will continue. At this writing no increase in price has been presented by Mr. Trejo.

7)    New Business

  1. Two current Board members, Daneen Haynes and Cindy Stout have expressed a desire to step down from their Board positions. No other residents have volunteered to accept these Board positions.
  2. Mohamed Idris states that he is willing to volunteer on the Board. Current Board members and Idris agreed to meet on Sunday, March 20, 2022, to discuss this transition.


8)    Social Event – National Night Out

  1. The National Night Out gathering in early August will not be hosted by the HOA this year; Cindy Stout offered to organize the event with the help of other residents.
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00pm.