Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association
Board Meeting – May 19, 2019
Minutes of Meeting
- The meeting was called to order at 4:07pm, at 27915 NE 151st Street, Duvall, WA.
- A quorum was present.
- Members present: Larry Stout, President; Cindy Stout, Secretary; Patrick Kevin, Treasurer.
- Minutes from previous two meetings (March 10 and March 24) were reviewed and approved.
- The AGHOA website was recently hacked and an inappropriate message posted. An anti-Spam product has been installed on the website to eliminate the problem.
- In the VP’s absence, Patrick reported that Daneen has made an initial contact with the City of Duvall but has not yet talked with anyone regarding which, if any, HOA areas are maintained by the City. Also need to consider the poor condition of the two fences at the west end of the street.
- Cindy reported that after review of three bids for landscaping services, a contract was signed with Aucensio Trejo, for $2300 per year. His was the lesser of the three bids, and he is the contractor that has serviced this HOA for several years.
- Finance report: all HOA dues have been paid with the exception of four $20/late fees; Patrick will contact CBS Accounting re: status of reinstatement of tax-exempt status. Patrick suggested a close review of available funds and potential future expense and to consider a 5-year operating budget.
- Ongoing discussion of AGHOA Facebook page: a motion was made and seconded to attempt to delete the FB page (and the duplicate) as no one wants to maintain it and it doesn’t appear to have much value.
- An international potluck get together was proposed at the Annual Member Meeting; a date was selected from the two proposed: Saturday, July 13. National Night Out is Tuesday, August 6.
- Review and discussion of CC&R’s. Some necessary corrections were identified and Larry will begin the process of revising the document. It was also pointed out that there is some overlap in details in the CC&R’s and Bylaws and as part of his revisions, Larry will work on separating out the data more appropriately.
- Trees at the west end of the street, just before the hairpin curve, are hanging over the street causing a potential hazard. Cindy will contact owners regarding whether they want to trim the trees, or if they would like for Aucensio to do it. At the same time, inquire about the car up on ramps since last summer.
- A discussion was held about Board member terms. It was agreed that a minimum two year term is optimal, with a vote being held at the end of that term. This can be reviewed and discussed further.
- Our next Quarterly Board Meeting will be Sunday, August 11, at 4pm, at the Stout’s.
- Meeting adjourned at 5:18pm.