18 Nov. 2018 Meeting

  • 18 Nov. 2018

Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Meeting Agenda – November 18, 2018

  1. Call to Order
    1. Confirm quorum is present
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
      1. Distribute settings for Board@AlderwoodGroveHOA.com
      2. No further action on implementation of website
  • Status report on reinstatement of tax-exempt status
  1. Status on replacing Ali Khan with Larry Stout as Registered Agent with State of Washington
  2. Members have to vote on all changes to organizational documents
  1. Vice President
    1. Were any minutes from previous meeting found?
    2. Was there anything of value in the old HOA email box?
  2. Secretary
    1. Report on landscaping bid project
  3. Treasurer
    1. Report of Finances
    2. Status of fact finding from Community Business Services
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. No further action on construction issue at Martinez residence
    2. Seek closure on issue of posting members names and addresses on website
    3. Seek closure on issue of archiving process for HOA records – Google Drive
    4. Document and approve the Board’s meeting schedule for 2019
    5. Review and approve letter to introduce new Board to Residents
    6. Execute Conflict of Interest Policy and archive
    7. Review and execute Resolution on Bank Acct Signatory
    8. Review and execute Resolution of Corporate Seal
    9. Discussion of sample Bylaws document presented at the last meeting and whether it is necessary for all HOA members to vote on approval
    10. Discussion on revisions to CC&R’s
  5. New Business
    1. ??
  6. Adjourn the Meeting


Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – November 18, 2018

Minutes of Meeting

  1. President Larry Stout called meeting to order at 4:02pm, at 27915 NE 151st Street, Duvall, WA.
  1. A quorum is present.
  2. Members present:
    1. Larry Stout, President; Daneen Haynes, Vice President; Cindy Stout, Secretary; Patrick Kevin, Treasurer.
  1. Minutes from 10/13/18 meeting were reviewed. One topic – the maintaining of names and addresses of HOA members on the website – was re-opened for discussion and it was agreed that names will be removed from the website. Larry motioned to accept the minutes with this one change, and Patrick seconded.
  1. President
    1. See attached Meeting Agenda.
    2. Per Patrick, Ali Khan will make himself available on a weekday morning to visit the bank with Larry and make the appropriate name transfers.
    3. It has been determined that HOA members must be allowed to vote on all organizational document changes. It is not known what percentage of vote is required.  We will seek out an attorney or legal consultant for this and other questions.  Daneen will consult with neighboring Taylor Ridge HOA on this and other HOA topics and will report.
    4. Conflict of Interest Policy executed.
    5. Secretary of State Annual Report on AGHA document presented.
    6. Corporate Resolutions of AGHA executed.
    7. Resolution to accept Corporate Seal executed.
  2. Vice President
  3. There are no pertinent emails in the previous email box that should be transferred to new email box.
  4. There are no records of minutes from previous Board meetings available for archiving.
  5. Add to HOA webpage instructions for Title Companies/new AG homeowners re: HOA dues, due dates, if previous owners were in arrears.
  6. Regarding the previously charged $100 fee to provide this info, Patrick moved that we discontinue the fee and Daneen seconded.
  7. Secretary
    1. No action has taken place on landscaping bids as of yet. To consider: Spring/Summer/Fall schedule – ask for service schedule recommendations; check to see if current with payments to Ausencio; include walkway improvements and trimming of shrubbery behind fences.
    2. Upcoming meeting dates shown below. Cindy will send calendar invites.
      • Casual door to door meet and greet Sunday, 11/25, after the game, ~2pm.
      • One brief meeting prior to Annual Member Meeting, date/time TBD.
      • February 10, 2019 – Annual Member Meeting, Duvall Fire House, 3pm (tentative).
      • May 19, 2019 – Quarterly Board Meeting
      • August 11, 2019 – Quarterly Board Meeting
      • November 10, 2019 – Quarterly Board Meeting
    3. Treasurer
      1. Currently have approximately $11,000 in the bank.
      2. Patrick will provide financial statements at all upcoming meetings. Larry motioned that we cloud-archive the previous 12 months’ statements, Patrick seconded the motion.
      3. A meeting with the Community Business Service will be scheduled the week of November 26, 2018.


  1. HOA document archive process: All Dropbox items will be relocated to Google Drive.
  2. No action has been taken on Ali Khan’s complaint about the legality of the structure on the Martinez property. Patrick will communicate with Esequiel & Angelica and report back.
  3. HOA dues statements will be sent on 1/2/19, and due by 3/1/19.
  4. An annual HOA member meeting will be held on 2/10/19 at the Duvall Fire House, at 3:00pm, if available. Cindy will contact them and reserve the space.
  5. It was agreed we may need one more Board meeting prior to the Annual Meeting; or at least some form of Board communication – TBD.
  6. A brief review of an introductory letter from Board to Members; Larry and Patrick will continue to edit and revise.
  1. Cindy made a motion that Larry research HOA Board’s rights to enforce CC&R’s and to report findings via email to Board.
  2. We will try and meet as many of the residents as possible next Sunday afternoon, November 25th, after the game. Cindy will draft a half-sheet leave-behind introducing the Board and the upcoming calendar.
  1. Cindy moved to adjourn meeting at 5:58pm, Larry seconded.