10 Feb. 2019 Meeting

  • 10 Feb. 2019 6:36pm

Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Meeting Agenda – February 10, 2019

  1. Call to Order
    1. Confirm quorum is present
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Reports of Officers
    1. President:
      1. Chris at Community Business Services has filed with IRS to reinstate tax exempt status
      2. Membership dues invoices were mailed the first week of January
  • CBS has deposited $2,000 in dues collections to date
  1. All HOA historical documents have been reviewed, filed and archived on Google Drive
  1. Vice President
    1. ???
  2. Secretary
    1. Report on landscaping bid project
    2. Report on sidewalk lighting project
  3. Treasurer
    1. Report of Finances
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. What is status of HOA FB page – Patrick
    2. We need to finalize our member records by completing the process of collecting contact information
  5. New Business
    1. Set new date for annual member meeting and agree upon notification process
  6. Adjourn the Meeting


Alderwood Grove Homeowners Association

Board Meeting – February 10, 2019

Minutes of Meeting

  1. President Larry Stout called this meeting to order at 5:32pm, at 27915 NE 151st Street, Duvall, WA.
  1. A quorum is present, with Kevin Patrick attending by phone.
    1. Members present: Larry Stout, President; Daneen Haynes, Vice President; Cindy Stout, Secretary; Patrick Kevin, Treasurer.
  1. Documents have been filed for reinstatement of tax exemption and it is to be determined if a penalty will be assigned. Annual dues notices were sent in early January; about 10 owners have paid.  All financial records are up to date and archived.  Patrick remarked about the importance of portability of financial reports/records for future Board members.
  2. Positive comments have been received from neighbors regarding utilization of an outside accounting service.
  3. Three landscape maintenance reps have visited the property and two have submitted bids. Patrick suggested a minimum of three visits per year.  One bid for the proposed walkway lighting between the cul de sac and 150th was received.  As we are able, we will each watch for examples of practical and efficient types of lighting (in ground/attached to fence/motion sensor, etc.  We will continue the discussion/review of bids at a future meeting.  A discussion of the two fences at the property entrance area in gross need of repair.
  4. What appears to be two Facebook Pages/Groups was discussed. Daneen and Kevin will continue to research how/if it can be eliminated.  In the mean time in future correspondence we will point members to the “Alderwood Grove HOA Community Group” page, as well as to the website, for updates and info.
  1. Communication with members: These tiers of communication were agreed upon:
  2. Email
  3. Website
  4. Facebook
  5. Place sign on mailboxes
  6. New date/time for Annual Member Meeting that was postponed due to inclement weather: Sunday, March 10th at 3:30, at the Duvall Fire station. The Board will meet at 3:00pm to set up.  Larry will prepare and share a meeting agenda for approval in advance of the meeting for our review.  Suggested topics are:  1) “State of the Union,”2) Financial Report/Report of expenditures; 3) Open the floor to questions/suggestions.
  1. Our next Quarterly Board Meeting will be Sunday, May 19th, at 4pm at the Stout’s.


  1. Meeting adjourned at 6:36pm.